Unit 2, 22nd Floor, Tower 6789, 6789 Ayala Avenue, Makati City

+63 28887 5160



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Eisai Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Tokyo, CEO: Haruo Naito, “Eisai”) today announced the completion of a major renovation of its Tsukuba Research Laboratories (Ibaraki, Japan), which is a part of strategic investment to execute Eisai’s medium-term business plan “EWAY Future & Beyond”.

Eisai implements research and development activities under the DHBL (Deep Human Biology Learning) drug discovery and development system in our efforts to create new drugs based on innovative and efficient next-generation drug discovery concepts. For this purpose, we recognize diseases as Disease Continuum to redefine their concepts through comprehensive analysis on genomic, pathophysiological and clinical information associated with underlying causes of disease in order to enhance our understanding on human biology by acquiring data leading to next drug discovery with information, such as biomarkers and imaging data from patients on our drugs. Tsukuba Research Laboratories is positioned as a core facility in the DHBL drug discovery and development system. This renovation seeks to accelerate knowledge circulation by connecting each researcher with patients, other members within the Laboratories, other research sites across the world, and external researchers based on our key concept “Human Connected Laboratories: Laboratories Connecting Human and Human, and Data, and the World.” Total investment on this major renovation was 8.5 billion yen.

Main Idea of This Major Renovation

[Designs to Enhancing Connection with Patients]
In the Eisai Group, all employees around the world use 1% of their total business hours to interact with patients (socialization) to understand their thoughts and feelings. Accordingly, we have been working on the initiatives (hhc activities) to lead value creation for patients. To enhance the opportunities for closer interaction with people outside the company, such as further socialization with patients, at Tsukuba Research Laboratories, a traffic line from the front gate through the main building lobby to the courtyard is placed as interactive zone to enable various communications.

[Realizing Connections between Researchers and Data Driven Drug Discovery]
In favor of generating natural communication between researchers across different therapeutic areas on a daily basis, workspaces for biology researchers and data scientists are allocated on the same floor, and likewise workspaces for chemistry and pharmacokinetics/analytical researchers are placed on nearby floors to foster new connections and knowledge exchange. Further creative solutions are implemented in laboratories, including collective arrangement of structural openings and devices. These designs facilitate data driven drug discovery through knowledge exchange.

[Knowledge Circulation Generated from Links between Buildings]
Corridors linking multiple buildings embodying the concept of Knowledge Circulation are placed. A traffic line named “Knowledge Corridor” enables people to move all around the laboratory, with which research efficiency and convenience are considerably improved.

[Meeting Rooms Value Connection with the World]
Each meeting room is equipped with an IT environment that allows smooth communication with overseas offices, as well as systems able to deal with hybrid meeting which dominantly accepted in recent days.

Eisai will accelerate the drug discovery activities under the DHBL drug discovery system in order to fulfill unmet medical needs, and in our efforts to further contribute to improve the benefits of patients and the people in the daily living domain.


Media Inquiries:
Public Relations Department,
Eisai Co., Ltd.

[Notes to editors]

1. Outline of Tsukuba Research Laboratories
 Location: 5-1-3 Tokodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki
Groundbreaking of the renovation: December 2019
Completion of the renovation: February 2023 (Opening Ceremony: 6 April 2023)
Site area: 86,845.05 m2
 Building area: 65,110.78 m2
 Total investment on the renovation: 8.5 billion yen


An interactive zone for researchers and people outside company

A traffic line named “Knowledge Corridor”

A workplace for data scientists

Our Values

Values are an integral part of our foundation. With every decision, we ensure that we follow:


Integrity is the living up to legal, moral and ethical principles in the conduct of HI-Eisai Pharmaceutical Inc. business. It means that each employee embodies the value of integrity, and therefore represents the company in honesty and rectitude in all the ways they do their work.

It is expected that each employee would make decisions guided by good judgement, not just for one‘s self, but for HI-Eisai as the company. An employee who acts with integrity ensures that he has understanding of the principles by which the company operates, and in situations where he lacks clarity, will actively seek guidance.


The company is committed to ensure that it maintains a safe, inclusive, and healthy working environment that promotes productivity among employees. All employees are expected to show respect to fellow employees, customers, and patients, regardless of differences in gender, culture, backgrounds, and beliefs. Leaders in the organization are likewise expected to promote inclusivity with their teams, and shall not tolerate any discriminatory and offensive actions.


Accountability at work means assuming responsibility for the business outcome and how that is achieved. It means that every employee, in whichever position, are equally responsible for the decisions and actions they make for the company. It is likewise, the responsibility of each employee to report, any knowledge of misconduct or potential violation to the company‘s rules and regulations.


At the heart of the company‘s operation are the patients. This means that every decision to be made, considers the potential impact and benefit to the patients. As such, the company commits itself in ensuring that business objectives align with its principle of human health care or hhc. The programs created and implemented are based on how well they could contribute to improving patients‘ lives.

For field-based employees, being patient-centric means that the focus of engagements with customers are on understanding patient needs as well as providing these stakeholders with comprehensive information on how HI-Eisai‘s products can support their patients goals.

For each employee, being patient-centric means taking on their responsibilities with care and consideration on how it impacts the patients experience, be it by making relevant information readily available for the doctors; or by ensuring access and availability to the medicines we offer.


As a patient-centric company, we define Excellence by the outstanding quality of our work to improve patients‘ lives. Each employee is expected to consistently demonstrate work ethics that align to our values, policies, and our desire to provide above standard service. The company is committed in ensuring that all actions are in compliance with legal requirements.

Being excellent means that every employee passionately strives to be better and participates in the company‘s initiatives to develop their members in terms of knowledge, skills, and behavior, which will support a continuously improving, responsible and performance-driven workforce.

Our Vision

To be a successful and sustainable business in the Philippines by driving innovation and providing solutions to address unmet healthcare needs fueled by high-performing employees who deliver meaningful value and experience to patients and their families.

Our Mission

We give first thought to patients and their families, and to increasing the benefits health care provides.

Unit 2, 22nd Floor, Tower 6789, 6789 Ayala Avenue, Makati City

+63 28887 5160